Team Alexandra
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Team Alexandra
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It is that time of year again! Team Alexandra is set to walk in the ASU homecoming parade on November 23 to support the Down syndrome Network of Arizona. It might be our 14th year to do this event and Team Alexandra has raised over $20,000 for an excellent organization. Alex is rocking her freshman year in high school. She has grown in her independence and somehow traverses her huge school daily with a very heavy backpack. She is still into all the sports! Basketball probably still remains her favorite with baseball and soccer close seconds. She just made the freshman high school girls basketball team. We would love to have anyone join our walk team and walk and hang out with us for the free Chili's lunch afterward. If you are unable to join us the day of the walk, a donation in honor of Alex would also be greatly appreciated. The DsNetwork of Arizona supports families, as well as children and adults with Down sydrome. They offer many engaging trainings as well as fun and exciting events and opportunities to us. We just got to attend a Phoenix Suns game with discounted tickets for Down sydrome Awareness and Acceptance night at the Footprint Center during the game. Would love to see some familiar faces join TEAM ALEXANDRA. Thank you!


ABOUT Down Syndrome Walk AZ 2024

Join Down Syndrome Walk Arizona on Saturday, November 23rd and support people with Down syndrome in our community. This year features a circus-themed event with vibrant attractions and interactive activities for all ages at the ASU Homecoming Parade and Block Party. The word “circus” comes from the Latin word which means “circle” or “ring.” DSNetwork invites you to be part of our amazing circle of education, support and advocacy and join us in increasing awareness and advancing impactful unduplicated programming.

In partnership with Arizona State University, DSNetwork is the largest group that walks in the ASU Homecoming Parade cheered on by thousands of spectators to show support and increase community awareness about Down syndrome. Step right up and join us in making this year’s walk a monumental success! Here's a video to learn more about the event. 

There are many ways to participate. Walk. Pledge. Volunteer. 

Down Syndrome Network is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. EIN: 61-1409048. Arizona State Tax Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO) Code is: 20262.

Name Date Amount Comments
Jack Jeffreys 11/17/2024 $.00  
Amber Mager 11/15/2024 $.00  
Amber Mager 11/15/2024 $41.68  
Peggy Of Jeffreys 11/14/2024 $52.01 Love, grandma peggy
Kevin Thomas 11/11/2024 $.00  
Kevin Thomas 11/11/2024 $20.00  
Antonia McCloud 11/09/2024 $.00  
Antonia McCloud 11/09/2024 $10.70  
Amy Renaldi 11/08/2024 $.00  
Kat Scoots 11/08/2024 $103.66  
Duane Vasquez 11/08/2024 $26.19 Go Alex!!
Amy Renaldi 11/08/2024 $21.02  
Bob Malpede 10/31/2024 $.00  
Nancy Malpede 10/31/2024 $.00  
Susan Mcclelland 10/31/2024 $52.50 Go team Alex !
Robert and Tyra Malpede 10/31/2024 $75.00 Looking forward to walking with you!
Phyllis Borysko 10/26/2024 $50.00 You got this Alex! Go Team Alex!
Larry E Draves 10/26/2024 $51.96 Alex: Go for it gal!
Patricia Sawyer 10/22/2024 $26.13 Go team Alex!
John Martinez 10/21/2024 $104.69  
Nancy Malpede 10/21/2024 $304.29 You go girl. We are so proud of you. Grandma and Papa Joe
John & Donna Busby 10/21/2024 $103.60 "GO ALEX" !!!!
CLAUDIA/ANDY LAWLER 10/19/2024 $36.46 We love watching Alex playing Basketball!
Angie Jeffreys 10/18/2024 $.00  
Anonymous Friend 10/18/2024 $5.48 Go Alex!
Donald Wiser 10/18/2024 $26.13 Alex, Uncle Don and Aunt Fran are so proud of you and love you sooooooo much. Have fun.
Shannon Felix 10/18/2024 $51.96 Always happy to support!!
Angie Jeffreys 10/18/2024 $20.99  
  Total $1,184.45  
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